
Meet Chris

I’m Christine and was born in 1988 when Die Hard, Land Before Time and Beetlejuice were all top movies. Denim Jackets were the fashion rage, The Beach Boys were still making music, the first Wal Mart Super Center opened in Missouri. You could buy eggs for $.65 a dozen, go to the movies for $3.50, and buy a gallon of milk for $1.89

Moving forward 30 years to 2018, the Eagles won the Super Bowl, buying a large pizza is the best deal, and cinnamon rolls, fried chicken and iced lattes were favorites. 

However, the greatest thing for me in 2018 was moving into my home in the Evergreen Elm program. You see my mom wanted me to become more independent and have the opportunity to become involved in so many of the activities that Evergreen Elm has to offer. 

Since moving in I’ve found a second family who makes sure I get to do the things I want to do. One of the Tuna Valley Trails is just down the road and in the nice weather I go with my housemates and walk the trail. I get to go swimming and bowling through Special Olympics. We go out to eat (my favorites are pizza, wings, cheese burgers and ranch dressing). 

I love to sit on the porch and watch the traffic, especially the State Troopers catching speeders! We count the number of stops and just laugh. My housemates and I dance and exercise whenever the radio is one. Evergreen Elm has lots of parties that I get to enjoy. I have a HUGE DVD collection which I prefer to watch instead of TV however, I do enjoy watching movies and eating popcorn with my housemates. 

I get to visit with my brother and his family since they moved closer. I have two nieces and one nephew. 

Probably the greatest thing that has happened to me since moving to Evergreen Elm is the help that I receive from the staff. They help me become more independent. I help with my laundry, I help with cleaning up, loading the dishwasher, just to name I few things I can do. Staff help me with my medications and any health concerns. We’ve done so well that I don’t need oxygen anymore, I eat healthier and I exercise. My doctor told me that he is so pleased with everything I’ve accomplished! 

I’m so glad to be part of the Evergreen Elm family! 

Rob RiceMeet Chris