Message from the CEO

Evergreen Elm Inc. exists to provide supports to people with disabilities. We aim to assist people in living what they would individually consider their best everyday life. In service since 1974, Evergreen Elm Inc. has been a leading advocate for inclusion. The services we provide support the Individual as
well as the community.

Welcome to the Evergreen Elm Inc., website. We provide quality living arrangements and life programs for people with Intellectual Disabilities and Mental Health needs in the McKean County and the surrounding area. Our current programs include;

Residential Group homes, which include nine homes designed to enrich the living experiences for people with disabilities in a safe and therapeutic environment. The Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) that work at the Residential Community homes are trained in the supports and care that enable the Individuals to live their best everyday lives. We utilize a unique staffing pattern that promotes family style living. Our dedicated Direct Support Professionals work a 2 ½ day shift. During their shift they have their own sleeping quarters and room and board contract. The DSPs come in and assist the Individuals in living their lives, from the time the Individuals wake until the time they go to bed. The unique staffing pattern promotes the bond and familiarity that all human beings deserve.

Supportive Living which is our outpatient program. We currently have two homes for those with Chronic Mental Illness. These two homes are leased to eligible mental health consumers. Evergreen Elm provides care and support with skills for community living. The program helps to prevent homelessness of the mentally ill, to reduce unnecessary illness and to reduce psychiatric admissions to acute care facilities. Individuals are assisted in their everyday lives to tend to household needs, take prescribed medication, shop for personal needs and groceries, make and eat well balanced meals and maintain their health through attending medical and psychiatric appointment.

Mobile Medication, is provided to eligible consumers diagnosed with a serious mental illness who experience difficulties progressing towards recovery due to a prescribed medication regimen. Mobile Medication is designed to create a continuum of care related to medication administration, skilled nursing professionals and medication techs provide education and training to assist consumers and families with developing skills to manage the consumer’s medications and illness. The scape of the responsibility includes counseling, crisis intervention, promotion of self, self-care skills, monitoring of medical status, treatments and coordination of services.

In-home and Community Support, is another outpatient program designed for people with Intellectual Disabilities that have the self-preserving skills to live independently. We provide the level of services necessary to enable the Individual to meet their habilitation outcomes. This program helps prevent homelessness of vulnerable people and reduce unnecessary illness as well as reduce psychiatric admissions to acute care facilities.

The Individuals we serve are well-known community members. In every program, our goal is to help individuals we serve to develop relationships to contribute to their home and community. Evergreen Elm’s goal is to have many choices, to be valued and to share in the resources our community has to offer.

We want to help people to belong. We at Evergreen Elm are pleased to be a recipient of United Way
funding. Our services and employment are provided in a nondiscriminatory manner, without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, ancestry, religious creed, disability, and age. We are an equal opportunity care provider and an equal opportunity employer.

Rob RiceMessage from the CEO