Message from the CEO
Evergreen Elm Inc. exists to provide supports to people with disabilities. We aim to assist people in living what they would individually consider their best everyday life. In service since 1974, Evergreen Elm Inc. has been a leading advocate for inclusion. The services we provide support the Individual as
well as the community.
Welcome to the Evergreen Elm Inc., website. We provide quality living arrangements and life programs for people with Intellectual Disabilities and Mental Health needs in the McKean County and the surrounding area. Our current programs include;
Supported Living
Our newest program, the services are much like the In-Home & Community but with a 24-hour availability component. We provide direct and indirect services and supports in this setting. The participant must rent, lease or own their own home. Our Direct Support Professionals will assist with daily living tasks, medication administration and any tasks that promote the Individual’s health and wellbeing.
Mental Health Supportive Living
Evergreen Elm’s Mental Health Supportive Living program works with individuals who have mental Illness and Evergreen Elm’s Home and Community rehabilitation program works with individuals with intellectually disabilities. The participants need supported with the skills of community living. Services can include but are not limited to daily living skills, medication monitoring, shopping, home maintenance, and medical/dental appointments. The need for service is based upon a team approach which often consists of the individual, the individual’s case manager and or supports coordinator, McKean County Humans Services, and Evergreen Elm. Each participant works toward accomplishing goals and progress toward independence. The trained staff offer suggestions, direction and support to increase the participant’s skills.
In-Home and Community Service
Evergreen Elm In-Home and Community Service works with individuals from many facets of life. There is not a typical picture of what a participant looks like. A participant can be newly diagnosed or have had a lifelong history with a diagnosis. Some participant are eager for the help some are resistant. Some participants are proud to accept the help while others would rather the service be delivered without notice. Some participants live alone, some live with family and others decide to live with peers. Some participants hold full time jobs within the community, some work within a sheltered work shop and some are very involved within the community. Whatever the circumstances, Evergreen Elm’s In-Home and Community Service program is able to offer the support individually based geared around by the participant needs.
Include nine homes designed to enrich the living experiences for people with disabilities in a safe and therapeutic environment. The Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) that work at the Residential Community homes are trained in the supports and care that enable the Individuals to live their best everyday lives. We utilize a unique staffing pattern that promotes family style living. Our dedicated Direct Support Professionals work a 2 ½ day shift. During their shift they have their own sleeping quarters and room and board contract. The DSPs come in and assist the Individuals in living their lives, from the time the Individuals wake until the time they go to bed. The unique staffing pattern promotes the bond and familiarity that all human beings deserve.